RCU Tech company's Amazon voice serious remote control mass production from 2021
2021-04-18 [ Company News ]
RCU Tech company's Amazon voice serious remote control mass production from 2021. It including the 2nd Genaration and 3rd Generation remote controls. The stock available currently. We can custom the function and custom the remote control un......
What is a Waterproof Remote Control?
2020-06-17 [ Company News ]
A waterproof remote control can be used in a pool, shower, or other environment where the controller runs a risk of getting wet. Many of these remotes allow users to control various electronic devices, such as audiovisual equipment or spa c......
What are the Different Types of TV Remote Codes?
2020-06-17 [ Company News ]
TV remote codes are generally used in universal remotes that can control multiple devices from one location. These remotes can be purchased at department and electronic stores, or they may come with the installation of a cable or satellite......